Wednesday, July 31, 2019

High School Drop out Rate Essay

Analysts agree that the rate of high school dropout in the United States has reached catastrophic levels. Credible estimates claim that more than a third of all students that join high school are likely to abandon school before completion. A look at the past decades indicates that this has been a growing trend and is yet to be arrested appropriately. This is a problem that has not been captured in the public glare due to scarcity if data. This paper will provide the available statistics on the rate of high school dropouts; provide an analysis of the possible causes and remedies. Different publications contain valid rates of dropouts; this is because of the existing differences in the definition of a dropout. There are those that graduate after completing the high school syllabus, others that graduate after completing an equivalency test of the same and those that graduate after passing other states based tests. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) compiles its data using either the event rates, status rates or the cohert rates. Events rates refer to the number of students that drop out of school annually while the status rate takes into account the total number of students that have cumulatively dropped out of school as a proportion of the total population. (National Institute on the Education of At Risks Students, 2006) Indicative reports have it that the rate of school dropout from the 1970s to the 1990s recorded a steady decline; however the rates have stabilized from the 90s to date recording an insignificant improvement. A look at the 1999 and the 2000 reports indicate that 5% of all students that had joined high school in the respective years dropped out within a year. This is in according to the available education department’s event dropout rates. The status dropout rates for 2000 indicate that â€Å"some 3. 8 million young adults were not enrolled in a high school program and had not completed high school. † (National Center for Education Statistics). Other available statistics on the dropout rates focus on the differences between gender and the racial groups. They have indicated that 5. 8% of male students are more likely to dropout compared to whose dropout rate is 4. 3%. The gender disparities in the dropout rate are witnessed across all the ethnic and racial groups with male students being the most affected. The dropout rate for the minority groups has remained higher than that of white Americans. The Latinos lead the group of the minorities with a rate of 27. 5%; African Americans have 13. 6% while the whites have a dropout rate of 7. 9%. This is according to the 1993 survey although these rates have remained fairly constant since then. (National Institute on the Education of At Risk Students, 1996) Having looked at the existing statistics, it is important to look at the reasons behind these statistics. There exists immense research on the causes of high school dropouts but it is important to point out that they focus on a variety of issues depending on the discipline. The ethnographic studies for example may focus on the issues of minorities and the social causes of their dropout. Attempts therefore to establish the specific factors are impeded by the existence of â€Å"a large variety of factors that predict or influence dropout behaviors, ranging from family background to school characteristics. † (Richard, 2002, 120) Scholars however have observed that students drop out of schools either after being ‘pushed out’ by the school environment or after being ‘pulled away’ by factors beyond the school curriculum. (Jay W. , 1999). A survey conducted on the various reasons behind the high school drop out rates revolve around vague reasons such boring classes and hard exams. These though are the pointer towards the major factors that contribute towards high school dropout rates. The causes range from academic challenges, economic, social and personal reasons One of the major ‘push out’ cause of dropout of high school can be traced to the various schools’ requirements to undertake an exit exam as the precondition for graduation. A look at the United States reveals that most states have put forth a requirement for a standardized test to mark the graduation of students from high school. Exit exams were adopted to enable states to standardize their tests and upgrade their diplomas. Where the merits of these exams have been widely noted, criticism has been leveled against them alleging that they exert too much pressure on the high school students. The basic purpose of exit exams is to ensure that the quality of the diploma is maintained, today however it is being seen as pushing students out of school, â€Å"these critics rely upon the push-out-myth- the idea that requiring students to pass exit exams forces students to drop out of high school. † (Jay P. , 2006, 127). The conclusion that stringent exam requirement may push students out of school has been reached after examining performance records and transcripts belonging to those that have dropped out. Studies have pointed out a streak of dismal performance by most of them indicating a sense of hopelessness on the drop outs. Some students have blamed the dismal performance on the lack of motivation by their teachers. Another possible cause of school dropout is peer influence. Peers are an important component to the development of an individual and also as socialization agents. It has been established that the influence of the family to the life of adolescents is fast waning and its place taken over by peers. The issue of how peers influence school drop out rate is broad and has been found to be an important factor. School dropouts have claimed to have been influenced by their peers to quit schools especially for those that had non schooling friends. This is so as peer influence has been found to either be a source of motivation or discouragement. This has been problematic as most of these have plunged into the crime world led by their peers. Working students also find it hard to cope with both tasks and most have even been found to give up education in the belief that they will resume later. Unsupportive parents have also been known to lead their children out of schools due to lack of moral support. Just like there is no single cause behind the high rates of school dropouts, there is no single remedy for the problem. It requires a multifaceted approach that incorporates both students and the teachers. It has been found that most students drop out of schools to escape the taxing nature of academics and exams. While it is not prudent to change the existing exams, it would be appropriate to put measures to ensure that the tests would not be an excuse to drive students out of school. As Marvin (2003, 215) has pointed out, â€Å"states should look for more ways to identify students at risk and consider instituting or adapting existing programs to support students before they drop out. † The best approach hence would be to incorporate a support program to help students cope with the rising challenges. This should include providing extra school tutoring and retake programs for students that perform dismally in the first attempts. This should also include introducing changes to the academic programs to ensure that they are more responsive and relevant to the student lives. The government also should roll out programs that aim towards sensitizing students on the need to stay in school. A number of factors that contribute to high rates of school dropout are social-psychological meaning that they can be eradicated through creation of awareness and general counseling. It is also important to involve students in the process of policy making to ensure that their expectations and views are incorporated and hence make them feel that they have a bigger stake in the school programs. Indeed there much has to be done to reduce the number of students that fail to complete their high school. The dropout rates indicated above are worrisome. More also needs to be done to bridge the dropout disparities across the racial groups. Students should be sensitized on the dangers of dropping out of schools especially as they are exposing themselves to the risks of unemployment as well as crime.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jesus vs Hercules

Myths and Religion are generally presumed to be two entirely different things. Myths are seen as stories shared between groups of people that are part of a cultural identity, while Religion is a belief that a group of people of a cultural identity share. Although they differ in certain aspects, they still hold similarities. Comparable to bible stories, myths have different versions which are both inspirational, as well as entertaining to those who do not believe them to be true. Along with this major similarity, there are parallels to specific stories. Various nurturing aspects of Hercules from Greek mythology, and Jesus Christ from the Bible are similar, including their birth, life and ultimately death in their respective lives. Right from their births, Jesus and Hercules’ lives are comparable. Jesus was born of a virgin mother, Mary, while Hercules was born of Alcmene, who was impregnated by Zeus. Although both their mothers were not virgins, their birth was similar in the sense that they were both half mortal and half god. Jesus and Hercules both had mortal mothers and gods as fathers. They were both raised by other men who played the role of a father in their lives – Joseph for Jesus, and (name) for Hercules. As babies, Jesus and Hercules’ lives were both in danger. Herod, who was the king at the time Jesus was born, wanted him killed as he was afraid Jesus was to be the next king. To solve this, he sent out armies of men to kill every newborn in the city. Jesus was saved when an angel appeared in Joseph’s dream to warn them about the danger. In the case of Hercules, his stepmother was the one that wanted him killed. She was jealous that her husband Zeus slept with multiple women and wanted baby Hercules dead. She let two venomous serpents into his crib, but being the son of Zeus, Hercules was born with great strength, and was able to easily catch and strangle the serpents to death. During their time on earth, Jesus and Hercules lived fairly normal lives as men in their towns. Jesus started to perform miracles in his home town around the age of thirty where as Hercules was always seen as a mighty strong man. Hercules and Jesus were both icons, Jesus the icon of Christianity and Hercules the icon for the Greeks. They both had many followers as young men who seemed to have later been abandoned during times or turmoil and danger. Jesus when he was preaching about God lost many followers as the Pharisees claimed Jesus’ works a cult, where as Hercules lost his followers when cursed by Hera his stepmother in a fit of anger killed his own wife and children. Although many seem to think of Hercules as a redeemer and saviour, Hercules did not save the world in any sense nor did he ‘redeem’ people as a whole. He defeated bad guys and rescued good guys, but never granted salvation from sin or died to save any followers as Jesus gave up his life to save the world. During the few end years of their lives, Jesus and Hercules were made to suffer a great deal. Jesus had to live being ridiculed and shamed where as Hercules lived in exile away from everyone as he spent twelve years doing the twelve labour he brought on himself to make up for the remorse he felt for brutally murdering his family. Ultimately Jesus and Hercules both met with violent deaths, Jesus died on the cross out of own free will for the love of his people, even though he did not voluntarily decide to die on a cross. Hercules on the other hand voluntarily decided to died on a pyre of fire as stories mention he wanted to get rid of the body that was responsible with the killing of his family.

An Interdisciplinary Approach Prof: Karney Platt Rose Essay

1.Using quotes from your interviews, describe how each of your three respondents understand the Cold War. 2.Explain to what extent their definition/understanding of the Cold War differs from the definition above (see the bold typeface in the Overview section above). 3.If your respondents’ understanding of the Cold War is different from the way the Cold War is defined in this course, explain why that might be the case. (Also, if their definition of the Cold War is very similar, explain this as well!) I interviewed my aunt Julia, my step mom, and my husband. The way they have described their understanding of the cold war is Iron Curtain. US and USSR conflict. Here are some things they said about the Iron curtain. After World War 2 the Soviet Union created the Iron curtain. The time collapse of the Iron curtain was symbolized in 1989 by the opening of the Berlin wall on November 9th. In the presses of the Cold War the general policy of the west toward the communist states was to contain them with the hope of internal division, failure or evolution just may end their threat. The Soviet Union challenged the west by instituting a blockade of the western sectors of the Berlin; little did they know the United States could airlift supplies into the city until the blockade was withdrawn in 1948. All three of the people that I interview said the same thing about who was involved in the cold war it was the U.S. and the USSR. My husband also added that the USSR was in a conflict with the west for more than 40 years. That conflict was never open to warfare (hot war). This is because the existence of the nuclear weapons made the war mad. This is why the conflict stayed a cold war. My step mom added the only thing that held the allies together was the extreme need to destroy Hitler’s Nazis. In 1945 Hitler was defeated and the cold war was inevitable. The USSR was a communist dictatorship and the U.S. was the capitalist of democracy. Both the U.S. and the USSR thought they held the key to the future happiness of the human race. My aunt Julia said that with the result of the cold war the Soviet Union fell apart in the early 1990s. Most people say it was because of their system could not keep people happy because it did not give them the rights or material wealth they thought they would have. 1949 the countries on the side of the USA formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) oppose the USSR. 1949 the USSR set up the council for Mutual Economic Assistance to unite the communist ruled states. For my aunt Julia it had been more than 30 years since she had even thought about the cold war so answering the questions was kind of hard and for my step mom she had got her GED in the 10th grade so she could remember much. As for my husband he really didn’t tell me much about how he learned about the cold war. I do know that he was sent to boarding school at the age of 16 I don’t know if he learned about it there he don’t like to talk about it. Major events that occurred during the cold war are as follows 1)Winning the space race by landing man on the moon in 1969

Monday, July 29, 2019

CRJ565 AL 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CRJ565 AL 4 - Essay Example People and especially clients are likely to see him as a leader that trusts his employees as well as one that is democratic in his leadership. The main problem is lack of interpersonal communication with her employees that is face-to-face which makes her leadership somehow cold. By her reducing her use of social media to communicate as well as utilizing lunch and tea breaks to interact with her employees on a more personal level, they are likely to start regarding her in high status and opening up to her. She will get to know her employees more if she spends much more time with them in meetings. Brenda however needs to have a team building experience with her employees away from the workplace in order to get to learn about her employees on a more personal level. This will enable much warmer communication, identify skills and talents and utilize them to increase performance. I agree on the point of appreciating the work the managers are doing by letting them seal the seal with the clients as they have been working at it for a long time. This will be empowering the employees and building up their confidence and managerial skills. Employees look up to their leader for inspiration, guidance as well as a role model. If the leader continues portraying certain behaviors that are not empowering, the employees will in turn emulate and repeat these same behaviors and this would affect the productivity of the company. If the CEO wants to be involved in the final signing of the contract by the clients, he should simply be present as a support figure and not interfere in any way. The nicotine test I agree is an invasion of the privacy of the employees and instead of doing so which only leads to his resentment by the employees, he should seek incentives to encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle. The nicotine test should be voluntary rather than mandatory. By providing incentives and rewards to the employees taking initiative over their

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Introduction to law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Introduction to law - Essay Example The provided case could be determined as the conduct of fraudulent activity. In relation to the aforementioned case, it can be affirmed that fraud is defined as an act of dishonesty, which is generally undertaken for acquiring certain personal benefits. Under the Fraud Act 2006, a person who founds to be guilty in performing any fraudulent activity is treated under subsection (2). This section of the law defines fraud under three situations i.e. ‘fraud by false representation’, ‘fraud by failing to disclose information’ and ‘fraud by abuse of position’ (Crown, 2006). With this concern, the provided case can be categorised falling into the situation of ‘fraud by false representation.’ It was the private individual i.e. Clark who made a false representation in terms of not disclosing the actual details of the clock and claiming it to be an antique of the 17th century. It can be obviously stated that the dishonest act of Clark dishonesty was intended not to disclose the truth for reaping personal benefits. Thu s, Section 2(3) of the Fraud Act 2006 can be applied in this provided case (Crown, 2006). After acquiring a preliminary understanding about the case provided, it can be affirmed that this case could be placed before the county court. Stewart can file a case in opposition to the fraudulent activity performed by Clark, as he intentionally did not disclosed the details of the good for his own personal gain. Stewart before filling the case must collect all the relevant documents against the defendant i.e. Clark, so that the defendant does not get a scope to strike out the case. The parties could even opt for pre-action claims through settling out the dispute without the intervention of the court. Sanctions regarding the settlement of the dispute could be gained through obtaining a monetary compensation from the party charged with the conduct of fraudulent

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Analysing factors effecting Foreign Direct Investment in China Essay - 1

Analysing factors effecting Foreign Direct Investment in China - Essay Example The benefits in shape of capital financing it generate put forth the idea that FDI plays an important role in the modernisation of economy and increasing the growth. These benefits from the whole process make the governments of countries to provide special incentives for FDI. The growth of the global economy has given rise to the importance of notion of FDI. In the past few years China has emerged as the largest FDI receiver. Objective: The objective of this paper is to ï  ¶ The paper in the first place analyses the three phases of in flow of FDI in the Chinese Economy. ï  ¶ The next part of the paper explains the factors, which contributes in attracting the FDI towards the Chinese economy. ï  ¶ The countries, which contribute to the Chinese FDI, are also discussed. ï  ¶ In the end, we present the different challenges faced by FDI in China. ï  ¶ In the last section of the paper few recommendations are given in order to improve the FDI situation in China. With other empirical evidences a case study is also used, which will analyse the linkage between trade and FDI. The people’s Republic of China (PRC or China, for short) has had a long tradition of isolation. In 1979, Deng Xiaoping opened his country to the world. Although his bloody 1989 put-down of protestors in Tiananmen Square was a definite setback for progress, China is rapidly trying to close the gap between itself and economically advance nations and to establish itself as an economic power in the Pacific Rim. Southeast China in particular has become a hotbed of business activity.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Internet and Digital Marketing Communications Essay

Internet and Digital Marketing Communications - Essay Example Dropbox Company is a company that designs a service to share and sync files over the internet between personal computers. It is a downloadable application. Through it, the users can easily share and synchronize files across smart phones and personal computers. The company is located in San Francisco, United States. The company further offers the customers with specific tasks, which include collaboration on office documents, running a startup and backing up photos. Despite the success of the company, the past few years has proven challenging to the management and the entire company. During this time, the company experienced a crisis management problem and lost many of its customers, making the image of the company to be tarnished. The company has since then taken a major step to win back the customers improve the image of the company as well as attracting perspective customers. Despite these great services to the users, users have been asking for new features. Most of these features violate the commitment of the company to offer a simple product that is also easy-to-use. Therefore, Dropbox needs to go beyond syncing and file sharing so that it targets the customer needs. This is the only way it can stay the course. This situation has raised the need for the company to take the company back to its previous performance or to even high heights. The marketing department of this company has been pointed to have the most significant role in this activity. This is because this department has a major responsibility in guiding. and leading the other departments of the company in the development, production, fulfilling the products and the services to the customers. Marketing communication Marketing communication is a strategy that refers to the process of creating awareness, reminding or/and persuading customers of a product or a service (Yeshin, 2002). Marketing communication is significant in influencing a buyer’s purchasing decision. Integrated marketing communication (IMC), on the other hand, refers to judicious and the effective use of promotional tools of a product in passing a message across to the customers or potential customers (Yeshin, 2002). The effect of IMC to the existing and prospective customers is often noticeable. This is because the framework of IMC involves the interaction of different marketing communication elements, which have potential to improve or trigger other communication media to contribute (Belch and Belch, 2003). A marketing plan is important in attaining success in marketing. This is because it enables a company and its marketing team to focus on the marketing process. A marketing plan can be prepared using different approaches. However, there are key stages to these different approaches. These key stages are contained in an acronym SOSTC, that is, situation analysis, objectives, strategies, tactics, and control (Reid, 2003). Integrated marketing communication is an aggressive marketing strategy that aims to capture and use extensive amount of information about customers to set and track marketing strategy

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Government Effects on Global Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Government Effects on Global Trade - Essay Example Currently the two arrangements do not exist. The STA only lasted for a period of one year which was from October 1961 to September 1962 (Kar 2015). The LTA which substituted STA managed to last for five years from October 1962 under continuous re-establishments. Its prime role was to prevent rapid penetration of textile imports into markets that were already developed (Kar 2015).   That way any domestic producer would never be threatened. Despites all the efforts made by Kennedy’s government on the arrangements, the importation of textile into the US never stopped, in fact, it grew more serous (Rivoli 2015). This further led to other arrangements as the Multi-Fiber Arrangement (MFA). Since several bodies were established by different global leaders to control the global trade and yet no encouraging results were obtained, there are doubts in progress in resolving the issues. This can further be attributed to the fact that almost all of these leaders speak out different messag es to the public from the actions they take during private phone calls. This can be summarized by the free trade rhetoric expressed by Rivoli (2015). Censoring Rivoli (2015), the global leaders make promises about controlling the textile and apparel import issues then fail during their reign. Apparently this is a routine insinuating failure to handle the issue at hand. For better leadership to come from the leaders in this particular industry, the authorities must stop deceiving the public in front of cameras then acting contradictorily during their private phone calls.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

DOMMINO PIZZA MARKETING STRATEGY Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

DOMMINO PIZZA MARKETING STRATEGY - Coursework Example The paper tells that in recent decades, there has been need to improve the safety of food supply in Europe and other countries in the west and Domino company has not been left out. The laws governing public food safety have been reviewed and firms at various levels of the supply chain have come up with means of improving safety of food supply. As a result, there has been an improved standard of food safety rules at national, regional and international levels. A number of regulations have been put in place such as standards regarding the nature of the final product, the techniques of production in the food supply chain and the legal compliance of the supply chain. At the multinational level, there have been proposals on how the standards of food supply can be improved by the domino company or corrected in areas of weakness. Some of the issues that have been discussed include improvement of infrastructure, facilities and techniques of production, modes of processing as well as modes of quality assurance. There has been a great deal of competition in the pizza industry from pizza huts, papa john’s who are also distributors of pizza in different regions. This has reduced the profits in the business and has reduced the number of customers that are available for this company to deal with. Most of these customers have been shifting from one company to another and Domino Company has had a great deal of losses emanating from the high costs of operation and production visa reduced market share. There are other markets which are yet to be explored like those of china which are yet to be explored. ... As a result, there has been an improved standard of food safety rules at national, regional and international levels. A number of regulations have been put in place such as standards regarding the nature of the final product, the techniques of production in the food supply chain and the legal compliance of the supply chain. At the multinational level, there have been proposals on how the standards of food supply can be improved by the domino company or corrected in areas of weakness. Some of the issues that have been discussed include improvement of infrastructure, facilities and techniques of production, modes of processing as well as modes of quality assurance. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM There has been a great deal of competition in the pizza industry from pizza huts, papa john’s who are also distributors of pizza in different regions (Blythman, 2005). This has reduced the profits in the business and has reduced the number of customers that are available for this company to de al with. Most of these customers have been shifting from one company to another and Domino Company has had a great deal of losses emanating from the high costs of operation and production visa reduced market share. There are other markets which are yet to be explored like those of china which are yet to be explored. Te problem has been that the Chinese require places they can take pizzas while relaxing like in restaurants (Baldwin, 2009). This is not in line with what the company has been used to and therefore has to try and deal with that before the other companies establish themselves in such places. The company is developing marketing strategies that will ensure that this is dealt with including opening new businesses

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information Essay - 1

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information - Essay Example The knowledge sharing benefits offered by the use of ICTs have encouraged local companies to explore global markets. It has also helped multi-national companies to enter new markets worldwide. The paper analyses the information, knowledge and communication needs of Tesco to achieve its objective. The identified objective for this case is ‘To provide help and support to those who are in need through Tesco’s charity trust’. Tesco was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen. In 1929, the company opened its first store in Burnt Oak. After 75 years of experience, Tesco is the third largest retailing company in the world (Tesco, 2011). In 1988, the company started the charity of the year partnership through which it supports a different charity every year. In 2009, Tesco entered into a partnership with the British Red Cross. Recent research studies have shown that by 2021, nearly half a million people would be living with undiagnosed dementia. Tesco along with the Alzheimerâ€⠄¢s society and Alzheimer Scotland have planned to raise ?5million to create awareness of the disease. The main objective is to help raise diagnosis levels from 40% by 2014 (Press Releases, 2010). In the aftermath of the massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Tesco has come forward to help the victims of the calamity by garnering support through their sales, employees and customers. Tesco has donated ?50,000 through a disaster relief partnership with British Red Cross. The company has encouraged customers to donate their club card vouchers for this cause. Identifying data and information requirements A business requires different types of data from different sources. These include structured/unstructured data, data from different sources (internal and external) and different quality of data (Ranjan, 2009). Internal data is data gathered from internal sources within the company from employees. External data is information and knowledge collected from external stakeholders, such as vendors, suppliers, customers and shareholders. Data obtained from external sources cannot be directly used in decision making. It needs to be further analyzed for developing appropriate knowledge for use within the business processes. For example, data collected from customers by employees needs to be further analyzed and then used by the executive team in decision making (Ranjan, 2009). In the present information age, companies require access to information, knowledge, people and expertise in order to make informed decisions. As a result, organizations invest a lot of capital, time and effort in ensuring they have the right information to communicate, at the right time to the right person. Tesco’s objective relates to recognizing the need for charity funding and defining strategies to ensure that the funding needs of specific causes like the Japanese earthquake and tsunami are met. Since the strategies are based on identifying the funding needs and accessing funds from diff erent sources, Tesco needs to focus on collecting data on charity requirements that can benefit from such funds. The specific data and information required can be identified as below: Charity causes that require funding – in this case the devastation created by the recent Japanese tsunami and earthquake has been identified for collecting funds from company stakeholders and donating it to the Japanese relief

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Modelo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Modelo - Essay Example Modelo’s expansion strategy was made possible through its strategic alliance with its two main distributors; Bartisor and grambrinus, experienced, creative and knowledgeable subsidiaries with knowledge about local customers in the US market. This strategy ensured that the risk of increase in taxes is hedged. These distributors were delegated with all the value chain processes of the activities except production which was being carried out the parent firm, Group Modelo back in Mexico. They had autonomous control on decisions regarding the marketing, insurance, transportation and creatively marketing captains, from which a campaign that leapfrogged the Grupo Modelo’s sales emanated from in 1986. As pointed out in the report, wine is more competitive in Italy and Ireland unlike beer. Therefore, it will have an opportunity to attempt to enter these foreign markets by both mergers and acquisition from the local importers and distributors. They ca also adopt other strategic alliances with highly expertise- mature companies in this countries. It can be pointed out that, for the company to stand tall, it needs, a sharper differentiation, identifying and focusing on the key marketing that region and developing a creative Marketing development as a strategy

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Rose for Emily Essay Example for Free

A Rose for Emily Essay The Use of Personality Traits to Foreshadow in Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily† In William Faulkner’s short story, â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, Emily’s reclusiveness, arrogance and old-fashioned attitude demonstrate her refusal to adapt to the present. Throughout the plot, glimpses into Emily’s life and behavior foreshadow the conclusion of the story. The author uses third person voice and a series of flashbacks to illustrate examples of her reclusive behavior, the arrogance that being a Grierson has instilled in her and how her thinking has remained in years gone past. Although Emily is referred to affectionately as a â€Å"fallen monument† by the unnamed townspeople, she is scarcely known and rarely leaves her house. In her younger years she was seen occasionally with Homer Barron, a contractor hired to pave the sidewalks. While Homer was courting her, the two took Sunday drives in public, which set the town abuzz. After his mysterious disappearance, however, Emily goes into full reclusivity. The town’s politicians are even forced to pay a visit to Emily at home when they finally decide to press the issue of paying property taxes which a Colonel Sartoris had graciously deemed paid in full for the remainder of her life. The Board of Aldermen are briefly admitted into the house and given only a quick glimpse of the woman Emily Grierson has become in old age. Outside of china painting classes Emily gave to the children of some of â€Å"Colonel Sartoris’s contemporaries† (page 48) ten years earlier, it was the most anyone had seen of her in some time. Consequently, when Emily finally passes on, her funeral is attended by a variety of townspeople who are overly curious â€Å"to see the inside of her house† (page 43). At this point, Faulkner has foreshadowed the fact that something monumental will be found there. Emily’s arrogance was ripe fodder for her contemporaries. She retained a Negro servant, Tobe, throughout her life in the tradition of her family, but apparently he was just as committed to being a recluse as she and was only seen on market shopping days, speaking little. Everyone thought the family had always â€Å"held themselves a little too high for what they really were† (page 44) and seemed to relish anything Emily did that could make her seem more human. When a horrible smell developed in the house and wafted through the neighborhood it was chalked up to bad housekeeping because â€Å"a man†¦[cannot] keep a kitchen properly† (page 45). This, the townspeople declared, created a â€Å"link between the gross, teeming world and the high and mighty Griersons† (page 45). They wanted an opportunity to feel sorry for Emily and rejoice in the fact that even though her last name was Grierson, she was human after all. Even so, family name carries enough respect that former Confederate soldiers â€Å"to whom the past is not a diminishing road† (page 49) feel obliged to attend her funeral service. Emily’s arrogance is what keeps the people of the town interested in the details of her life, and death. Perhaps because of Emily’s old-fashioned attitude and ideals, she was used to taking matters into her hands and this, too, foreshadows Homer’s Barron end. Although motor cars are a normal sight in town, Emily never bought one and preferred, instead, to ride about with Homer using an old-fashioned horse and buggy. When postal service came to town some years earlier, Emily would have none of it, refusing to allow a mailbox and numbers affixed to her old house. Anything she needed could be delivered or Tobe was sent out with his market basket on shopping day to bring it back, bypassing modern convenience. Faulkner uses these vagaries of Emily’s personality to foreshadow the conclusion when the townspeople swarm through the house to reach the upper bedroom which has been closed for 40 years. It is because of her reclusiveness, arrogance and old-fashioned attitude that the strange old lady purchases rat poison, kills her lover and locks him inside a bedroom for many years, not to be discovered until her death.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Evaluating Life Cycle of Pavements

Evaluating Life Cycle of Pavements Case Study from Nevada Department of Transportations Perspective Nowadays increasing number of agencies and companies have started to shift to the principles of sustainability in conducting business and activities. These principles also make good business sense as we try to improve the environmental, social and economic value of a product. The transportation industry is no different and many Departments of Transportation (DOTs) have already shifted to this by incorporating Life Cycle Analysis of pavements. Life cycle analysis of pavements is a comprehensive approach where economic costs of different alternatives during the life of a pavement are evaluated and the best one is chosen to be implemented. It is a complex process and varies from one DOT to another but usually there are some guidelines laid down by the Federal Highway Administration that are followed. For our case study, we have selected the Nevada Department of Transportation, also known as NDOT. This report presents a brief overview of the various components and strategies used in pavement analysis, maintenance and rehabilitation are discussed in detail. NDOT has a defined Pavement Management System to collect data and the application of LCA for construction of pavements has already been started. The various parameters considered in LCA as well as the limitations are discussed in this report. Keywords: Pavement, Life Cycle Analysis, NDOT, Maintenance, Rehabilitation Pavements, like any other thing, have a definite life cycle. They are constructed by keeping a certain period of utility in mind. The continuous use of roadways often leads to their degradation in their serviceability. The rate of this deterioration is dependent on many factors both environmental and load related. Using appropriate maintenance and rehabilitation techniques at the right time also can impact the life of a pavement drastically. The life cycle of pavements can be very broadly described as Stage 1: New Pavement Newly constructed pavements fall into this category. They require almost no repairs while in use. Stage 2: Minor Repairs After some initial time, the utility of the roads begins to decrease. Some maintenance work is favored. Stage 3: Major Repairs After long time in service the roads become deficient structurally and continuous use of roads in this state is not recommended. Stage 4: Complete Reconstruction Roads in this state of disarray are not be used except under extreme circumstances and require a complete overhaul and construction of new pavements. However, some agencies have been lagging in their effort to properly preserve their roadways. This has led to one third of the roads in United States being in poor or weak condition. Annually an estimated of 70 billion dollars to maintain the highway network in USA. This considerable sum has led people to try and manage pavements more efficiently. Constant evaluation of pavements has been adopted by many state DOTs to try and limit pavement deterioration once it is in use. There are two major categories for repairs of pavements in general terms are Maintenance Rehabilitation Maintenance is the process of repair of roads is done on a small scale as the pavements contain only minor faults and are fixed relatively easily. Some common maintenance techniques include fog seals and crack sealing and mainly slow down the deterioration rate of the pavements [1]. Rehabilitation is the procedure where existing portions of damaged pavements are completely redone as the damage is of significance. Rehabilitation techniques include in-place recycling and overlays and reset the whole process of deterioration [1]. The cost of either maintenance or rehabilitation of pavement is substantive and continuous to rise even today. This has lead highway agencies to use tools that can help combine economics and operations research to achieve pavements that are both cost effective without compromising their long-term properties. The most common method in use is the Life Cycle Cost Analysis or the LCCA [2]. It is a process where the value of the total project is calculated using the initial cost and discounted future costs over the life of the pavement. The components of LCCA is defined by different DOTs independently. For this report the case of Nevada DOT is chosen and LCCA used by NDOT will be explained later. The Nevada DOT was founded in 1917 and has since built and maintained almost 5,400 miles of road. There is an additional of more than 46,000 miles of public road mostly maintained by local agencies. The roads maintained by NDOT account only for 20% of roads in Nevada but these roads account for 52% of all traffic and 82% of heavy truck traffic of the state [3]. In the fiscal years of 2013 and 2014, NDOT spend around 270 million dollars on maintenance rehabilitation repair works. As one can infer from the figures the process of maintaining the roadways is costly and therefore NDOT uses various tools that can help to minimize this cost in the long run. Some of these tools are discussed in this report. Connecting the empirical data collected from the field and theoretical data calculated by an engineer in the lab has been one of the most difficult task in pavement engineering. Long term pavement performance has gained importance as it is a major component of any cost analyses that is conducted on the pavements. Therefore, predicting long term performance of pavements with good accuracy can provide valuable data for pavement modeling. Field data collected from various sites can also be used to verify whether the materials possesses required qualities or the design was sufficient. This can in their turn help in altering future pavement designs to better perform in the field. This has led to the creation of a Pavement Management System by pavement engineers. Data collected from various sites in the field is collected in the PMS and stored for further analysis by engineers. This collected data can be utilized to develop and verify pavement performance models The PMS used by NDOT was established in 1980 and is accordance with ISTEA guidelines. It monitors various pavement characteristics with time on a mile-by-mile basis for the entire NDOT system. The data collected includes cracking, rut depth, patching, surface condition, and ride with data on traffic and accidents are collected for informational purposes only. Using the data collected from the field seven performance indicators are calculated to classify pavements into four repair categories. The performance indicators calculated are Ride Rut Depth Cracking Patching Bleeding Raveling Present Serviceability Index (PSI) The PSI used by NDOT is calculated by the following formula PSI = 5*e-0.0041*IRI 1.38RD2 0.01(C+P)0.5 Where IRI = International Roughness Index (in/mile) RD = Rut Depth (in) C = Cracking Area (ft2/1000 ft2) P = Patching Area (ft2/1000 ft2) For the considered pavement points are assigned for the severity and extent of each of the distress indicators. The total summation of the points is used to assign the pavement into one of four repair categories which are Do Nothing Maintenance Overlay Reconstruction For details refer to Development of Pavement Performance, Analyses and Procedures [4]. The PSI of pavements is kept in check by performing routine maintenance and rehabilitation activities. As explained maintenance as a process only slows down the rate of deterioration while on the other hand rehabilitation will show an initial change in PSI and may also change the rate of deterioration of pavement. Generally, one observes that the cost of maintenance of pavement tends to be lower than the cost of rehabilitation. Therefore, if one has to be cost effective there needs to be a balance between the maintenance and rehabilitation of pavements. That is using only one type of repair work will be more economically inefficient. NDOT has chosen specific repair activities to catalog in the state of Nevada based on availability of previous data. If a technique was chosen without sufficient performance data, then the model would be of limited use only. The techniques thus used by NDOT include Maintenance Techniques: Rehabilitation Techniques: Sand Seals, Chips Seals. Flexible Overlays, Roadbed Modification, Mill and Overlays Sand Seals Sand seal is the application of an asphalt emulsion being sprayed on with a layer of clean sand or fine aggregate being embedded in the emulsion either by spreading immediately or using a pneumatic tire roller. After application of the tire-roller excess particles are removed from the pavement. The sand seals are useful for improving the surface properties of pavements and can also help in filling up any fine cracks of pavement surface. In addition, the sand can also improve the skid resistant properties of the road while reducing the chances of raveling. [5]. Chip Seals Chip seals have become one of the most used surface treatment technique for roads with less traffic. Similar to a sand seal, a chip seal is the process of spraying asphalt and applying a layer of aggregate over it. The asphalt applied could be in form of hot asphalt cement, cutback or emulsified asphalt. After the application of any of the listed types of asphalt aggregate layer is administers onto the surface, before the asphalt either cools down or the emulsion breaks so as to maximize adhesion. The aggregates in the asphalt matrix are further seated and reoriented using a pneumatic roller. Afterwards the excess aggregates are removed from the surface by use of brooming. Chip seals are used as a protection from further raveling as well as seal any small cracks that are in the pavement. Sometimes use of lightweight aggregates is justified in chip seals in cases where heavier aggregates might become a cause for windshield cracking. LWA are manufactured mainly from light minerals like shale, slate or clay and are usually more expensive and less durable than normal aggregates but these are much lighter in weight. This light weight prevents these aggregates from being able to crack windshields in the case they become projectiles. The cracking of windshields can also be prevented by use of polymer modified emulsion [5]. Flexible Overlays Flexible overlay is a method of rehabilitation wherein on top of the old structure a new intermediate layer is constructed. The major purpose of this new layer is to both add an additional structure to the pavement and to prevent the proliferation of reflective cracks from the structure underneath. The old structure can still provide a uniform support. The design and planning of the overlay should be done keeping into consideration the expected traffic loading that the pavement will be under. As such this technique usually causes an increase in the highway profile. Care also has to be taken to prevent moisture from getting between the overlay and old structure. To prevent this the materials uses in the overlay should be tested for both moisture susceptibility and durability [6]. Roadbed Modification Asphalt roads are also reclaimed using roadbed modification. This technique is usually applied to pavements where the PSI has fallen way below desired level. Pulverization of existing pavement is done to a depth depending upon the structure of the old pavement. The pulverization process sometimes also includes base materials sometimes if the depth of pulverization is greater than the bituminous layer. On the other hand, if the depth is lower than that of existing structure then use of cold milling can be beneficial as this will lead to minimal disturbance to the materials underneath. The materials pulverized is then mixed with cement and water, where it acts basically as aggregates. This concrete is spread out and compacted according to the design intended. Pavements with very weak or uneven foundations can benefit from this technique [7]. Mill and Overlays The mill and overlay method is a method of rehabilitation where the top surface of the damaged pavement is removed, usually up to 2 inches. This removal is done by the use of a milling machine capable to perform the task. The removal of the top layer comprises of the milling portion of the method and usually takes around a couple of days. Afterwards a new layer of bituminous layer is constructed on top of the structure, in place of the removed surface. The surface of the milled pavement is coated with liquid asphalt that acts as a tack coat between the old structure and the new bituminous layer. The construction of the overlay can take around one to two days depending upon the width of pavement and the traffic. The asphalt overlay to be placed on pavement is usually embedded to a depth of 1ÂÂ ½ using a paver [8]. When developing NDOTs pavement performance model three categories of data were considered Structural, Environmental and PMS. A list of factors from these categories was created that could possibly affect pavement performance was compiled into standard data collection form. Analyzing all the standardized data the following data sets were finally used when developing the model- Materials data of activity being modeled: These data include the types and percentages of asphalt binder and aggregates used in the maintenance or rehabilitation activity for which the performance model is being developed. Materials data of existing pavement layers: These data include the types and percentages of asphalt binder and aggregates used in the layers underlaying the maintenance or rehabilitation activity for which the performance model is being developed. Structural data: These data include the thickness of the various layers in the pavement structure including the thickness of the maintenance or rehabilitation activity that is being modeled. The structural number (SN) as defined by the AASHTO design guide was used to normalize the structural data among all of the pavement section. Reference 3 describes the method used to convert the layer thicknesses into SN values. Pavement performance data: These data include the PSI, percent cracking, and average rut depth values as obtained from the NDOT PMS data base. Traffic data: The equivalent single axle load (ESAL) was used as the traffic element. The average daily ESAL figures were obtained from the PMS data base and used to obtain the cumulative ESALs over the life of the maintenance or rehabilitation activity. Environmental data: These data include maximum and minimum temperatures, number of freeze/thaw cycles, number of wet days, and annual precipitation. LCCA is a tool that is used by NDOT to evaluate the economic assessment of pavements when considering the entirety of its useful life. It takes into consideration the initial costs as well as maintenance and repair cost that the pavement is likely to undergo in its life. This tool can be used by pavement engineers to optimize their budget to improve the overall useful life of the pavement. Different alternatives for repairs are considered and the one with the most utility or least cost is chosen to be put forward for consideration. LCCA is made from the following steps- All initial treatment alternatives must be identified For each alternative, their analysis period as well as treatment scheme should be determined The price of annual and each alternatives maintenance should be computed The economic assessment calculated for each alternative should be compared The alternative with the best economic assessment should be selected based on LCCA When performing LCCA, NDOT uses the AASHTO prescribed Present Worth method. This method is highly recommended and frequently used by state highway agencies. In this method, any future expense is converted to present value of the dollar. The present value of future expenses is the amount of money which will need to be invested at a particular compound interest rate for the total sum to be equal to the value of the future expense. The formula used in calculation is PW = F(1/(1+i) n) Where F = The future expense after n years i = Discount rate n = Number of years Since the costs of production keeps on changing with time due to inflation and other economic factors, a discount rate is chosen to compare the cost across all time periods. LCCA is performed on the pavement for a specific analyses period. The length of this analyses period has been calculated for various types of roads keeping important factors into consideration. Highway Class Analysis Period (Years) High Volume Urban 30 50 High Volume Rural 20 50 Low Volume Paved 15 25 Low Volume Aggregate Surface 10 20 For newly constructed flexible pavements NDOT recommends an analysis period of 25-40 years while for rehabilitation they recommended a period of 20 years. This data is derived from two major conditions, (a) It represents a realistic life of asphalt mixtures and (b) one or two rehabilitation periods are included in the period. Pavements have a defined life cycle. Regular repair work must be done during the useful life of a pavement to maintain it to a serviceable level. NDOT uses PSI as an indicator to determine the serviceability level of pavement. PSI can range from 0 to 5.0 and repair is done on a pavement when the PSI drops below an unacceptable level. NDOT uses 2.5 as the terminal level of PSI with roads having average daily traffic of more than 750. NDOT also has placed some reality checks in place for calculating the pavement performance period. They are not considered in when in performance models because they can act as an empirical check to the values obtained from theoretical models. These checks include data such as traffic accidents, high maintenance costs, specific site failures, etc. LCAA also include cost factors that encompass all the expenditure that is incurred by the pavement from the design phase till the end of its useful life cycle. These costs have to be properly compared for different alternatives in LCCA to arrive at the most economic pavement. These costs can include First Costs: These include both the expenditure for the initial construction of the pavement and the cost for the operations that occurred to facilitate the construction like surveys, designs and analyses. Annual Maintenance Costs: These include the expenditure that is use to maintain an optimum PSI level of the pavement so as to provide a smooth ride to the drivers. Road User Costs: These are the costs that are associated with driving on the road and include things like increase in travel time, accidents, change in fuel consumption by vehicle etc. Salvage Value: This is the value of the road at the end of its life cycle. These casts can be either positive or negative depending on the condition of the road. 1. Pavement Interactive 2. Evaluation of pavement life cycle cost analysis: Review and analysis 3. State Highway Preservation Report 4. Development of Pavement Performance, Analyses and Procedures 5. 6. 7. 8.

The Style Of Community Policing Criminology Essay

The Style Of Community Policing Criminology Essay Policing in England and Wales over the years has been increasingly challenging as it has been subjected to unprecedented levels of public scrutiny. Britain consists of many different areas and these areas are all homes too many different communities. Therefore, this essay shall explain how Community policing is a better style of policing for the community.    Before the Scarman report in 1981 there was a need to improve public confidence in policing as well as policing with community consent.   Ã‚  By the year 2008 all police forces in England and Wales had adapted a form of policing style, which was about tackling and fighting crime more intelligently.   This form of policing style is known as Community policing and consists of many factors such as Reassurance policing, Neighbourhood policing and Citizen Focused policing. Reassurance policing seeks to improve public confidence in policing as well as trust in the police. The Reassurance Policing Programme in England and Wales conducted between 2003/04 and 2004/05 provided evidence that suggested that Reassurance policing had a positive impact on crime, fear of crime and public confidence in the police.   In order to deliver Reassurance policing the Government introduced Community Support Officers to provide reassurance, to act as a vital support in the community and prevent and solve low-level crimes such as anti -social behaviour.   Community Support Officers act as a link between the police and the community to build trust, confidence and a relationship between the police and community.    Neighbourhood policing on the other hand is a model of Community policing and is centered on three concepts dedicated resources, intelligence led and joint action. An important aspect of Neighbourhood policing is dedicated resources theses are police officers who are locally developed, visible, accessible, knowledgeable to the area and locally known by the community who are able to enforce law and order effectively. One might suggest that the police are an organisation that is led by intelligence; they need intelligence which can only be gathered from the community to solve and prevent crime. This benefits the police as they are able to target crime hotspots and bring offenders to justice more importantly this benefits the community as crime is reduced as well as the fear of crime. Neighbourhood policing emphasises the importance of joint action which is action that is taken by the community, police and partners who include the local authority, Social Services, education establishmen ts, and many other partners who are to work together to resolve issues and concerns which have been addressed by the community.    Citizen focused policing can be best described as a cultural and operational change in the police but reflects the needs of the community in police decision-making and service.   Citizen focused policing helps improve community experiences with the police either being one to one or by telephone. One might argue that Community policing is delivered through Neighbourhood Policing Teams who are signed to specific beats. Neighbourhood Policing Teams consist of Inspectors, Sergeants, Police officers, Community Support Officers, Special Constables, partners and community volunteers.   Ã‚  Ã‚   As Community policing consists of Reassurance policing, Neighbourhood policing and Citizen focused policing. One could argue that Community policing is an effective and a better style of policing for the community as it helps build secure, confident, safe and cohesive communities. Along with this, Community policing is a proactive and preventative mode of operation, which benefits the community as crime is prevented than older approaches such as mobile patrol, emergency response and reactive criminal investigation.   Community policing stresses policing with and for the community rather than policing of the community. Community policing emphasis that the police are to visible, accessible, locally developed, locally known and should be dedicated to specific beats. As Community Surveys have showed that those police officers who were assigned to beat areas community attitudes were improved.   Community policing illustrates that it is in the interest of the police and the community t o control crime and disorder along with reducing the fear of crime. Community policing is a better style of policing for the community as it is focused upon community involvement and support as well as promotes community involvement in policing. For instance, the Handsworth Wood Neighbourhood Policing Team of the West Midlands Police have set up police surgeries as well as a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme to allow the community to actively get involved in policing.   Therefore, revenge from offenders is harder or less likely as it is hard to trace the informant as community policing promotes police officers to chat with all local residents.   Community policing identifies problems within the community and improves the quality of life of those residents who live within the community by solving these problems.  Community policing allows the community to raise concerns about issues that really matter to them and furthermore allows the community to make these concerns policing priorit ies. For example, each Neighbourhood Policing Team of the West Midlands Police has a dedicated website that lists out community priorities which the community has set.   Furthermore, an example of this was illustrated in a Newspaper article the Highgate community in Birmingham raised concerns to the police relating to drug dealing taking place. The West Midlands Police investigated and acted upon the information which led them to carry out street raids which resulted in several arrests and whereby three individuals were charged with possession of class A drugs.   Ã‚  The article further went on to say that local residents were happy to see that the police were taking action and dealing with their concerns.   Ã‚   One should not forget that Community policing helps build relationships between the community, police and partners as well as promotes them to work together to resolve issues and concerns.   An example of this was illustrated by the Cleveland Police Service, according to their statistics crime had fallen by 16% since the launched of Community policing in their force area.   Therefore, at the end of September 2009 there were 51,283 crimes committed across the force which is 9,814 fewer crimes than the previous 12 months.   Ã‚  Ã‚  One may argue that this is a perfect example of partnership working between all parties and achieving goals and aims. The community has benefited as there are 9,814 were not victims of crime.   The Government for the year 2008 09 provided a  £324 million pound fund for Neighbourhood Policing Teams in order to ensure that they were able to implement Community policing, the fund is 2.7% higher than 2007 08.   Ã‚  This may be an indication that Co mmunity policing is effective and better style of policing for the community.    Community policing is an effective style of policing as it stresses the importance of keeping the community informed of what exactly is being done in order to deal with their concerns.   Ã‚  To support Neighbourhood Policing Teams of the West Midlands Police have web pages that list out what is being done and has been done in order to deal with the issues and concerns of the community. Therefore, to one extent this provides direct accountability at a local level and enables the community to hold to account those who are responsible for reducing crime in their area.   However, this may conflict with existing policing infrastructures and systems for example representative accountability structures which lie with Police Authorities who are responsible for police services.   The question lies as Community policing involves the community, police and partners who is responsible for reducing crime and disorder and who is to be held account? Furthermore, Community policing helps distin guish the difference between those members of community who are prolific offenders and those residents who commit low-level crimes such as anti social behaviour. One should not forget that Community policing provides reassurance and helps to reduce the fear of crime as well as helps build trust and confidence between the community and the police.    Community policing emphasises the use of discretion by police officers rather than the use of arrests. One might suggest that the concept behind this is that the community may be more willing to allow the police to enforce law and order.   In other words, harsh punishments like arrests may have a negative impact. However, Community policing does not totally de-emphasises the use of arrests but should be used as a last resource, in some cases like the Newspaper article the use of arrests may have more of a good impact. Community policing to one extent does not reform society but supports and promotes restoring order.    Community policing has many benefits for the community but three main elements which are improved the environment, economy and social factors. The environment is improved as environmental issues can be dealt by other partners. The economy is benefited as local service providers are able to work together with the community, partners and police to resolve issues such as shop lifting or anti social behaviour. Social factors such as parks, playing areas, education establishments are improved.   The police also benefit from Community policing as there may be financial benefits as partners may contribute to costs to help tackle crime. For example, local businesses may pay for special services such as patrols in shopping centres in order to deal with anti social behaviour.    However, on one hand Community policing offers political benefits and little reality of police practice.   In other words, Community policing sounds and sells better in political terms to the community as it is community orientated. But in police practice Community policing may have little value although there is no evidence to suggest this. For instance, some police officers may have not been asked but have been told that they are part of Community policing. Furthermore, the Birmingham West and Central Local Policing Unit of the West Midlands Police consists of 11 Neighbourhood Policing Teams which in total has 149 Police Officers and 97 Police Community Support Officers.   The areas which the Birmingham West and Central Local Policing Unit covers as geographically big, residential and disadvantaged areas. This could be an indication that the police may not prefer Community policing and that they are not equipped to multitask in their role. Police Officers who may wish to progre ss their career may find it difficult as Community policing may be seen as a less useful attribute.   Ã‚  On the other hand, middle class communities may be more willing to work with the police than fractured and disadvantaged communities who may be unwilling to work with the police due to lack of trust and confidence.   Moreover, even those who wish to work closely with the police may be deterred because of intimidation from other residents.   The belief that a community exists may be a myth as communities are so diverse where does one start and where does one end.    Developments of Community policing has led the Government to develop guidance for Neighbourhood Policing Teams to engage with children and young people. The early Intervention and Prevention of Youth Crime and Anti Social Behaviour has been developed to allow the police tackle and prevent crime and anti social behaviour through prevention.   This benefits the community as children and young people who are the next generation are driven away from crime and anti- social behaviour, but instead are educated, helped and driven towards a goal to achieve in life.   Overall, Community policing is a better style of policing for the community as it a philosophy that allows the community to work together with the police and partners to solve problems, fear of crime, physical and social disorder.   Community policing helps define problems, shapes and forms priorities, examines and identifies problems as well as promotes community involvement and joint action. Community policing involves teamwork and commitment from all parties and requires a genuine partnership between the community, the police, local authority and other partners. To one extent Community policing controls crime but also meets the needs of the community.   Community policing provides a quality, efficient and a comprehensive police service that is customer focused and most of all, ensures that the police move away from a reacting policing approach but to a proactive approach where the concept is to prevent crime.   

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Odd Couple :: essays papers

Odd Couple Themes and characters are most often the key factors that influence a writer's work. Most of the time the author has no control over this influence. This is clearly shown in Neil Simon's play, The Odd Couple. Not only is Simon's own life depicted in his play, but also the lives of those close to him, can be parallel to his work. Neil Simon's life is depicted in his characters and themes of his play, The Odd Couple. Marvin Neil Simon was born in the Bronx on July 4, 1927. His father, Irving, was a salesman in Manhattan's garment district; his mother Mamie worked in Gimbel's department store. The family moved to Washington Heights, in northern Manhattan, when Simon was young. Irving was an errant husband who occasionally abandoned the family altogether, leaving Mamie, a frustrated and bitter women, alone to deal with Neil and his older brother Danny. Eventually, the parents were divorced, and Neil went to live with relatives in Queens. From an early age, he exhibited a quick wit and an active imagination. He loved films and was often asked to leave the theater for laughing to loud. In high school, Simon was sometimes ostracized as a Jew, an experience that would later inform his work. Meanwhile, he and his brother began collaborating on comedy material that they sold to stand-up comics and radio announcers. Simon graduated from DeWitt Clinton High School in 1944 at the age of sixteen(Magill2216). He entered New York University under the US Army Airforce Reserve Program. Throughout his military career, he wrote for many military newspapers. Discharged in 1946, Simon took a job in the mail room at Warner Brothers in New York, where Danny worked in the publicity department. The brothers were soon hired to write for Goodman Ace of CBS, and over the next decade they provided material for many popular comedians. During the summers of 1952 and 1953, they wrote sketches for a professional acting company at Camp Tamiment, in Pennsylvania. At Camp Tamiment, Simon fell in love with a young actress named Joan Baim, and the couple was married on September 30, 1953. Five years later, Joan gave birth to a daughter, Ellen; a second daughter, Nancy, was born in 1963(Magill2261). In 1956, when Danny Simon moved to California to be a television director, Neil stayed in New York and wrote for many popular television shows. He also adapted broadway plays for television. By the later 1950's, however, he wanted more independence

Friday, July 19, 2019

Shades of Madness and Insanity in Yellow Wallpaper, A Worn Path, and Mulatto :: Yellow Wallpaper essays

Varying Shades of Insanity in Yellow Wallpaper, A Worn Path, and Mulatto  Ã‚     Ã‚   The human psyche is a very complex, intricate thing. Why does one person act one way, while another acts completely differently? I have read three stories that have given me insight on this subject. They are "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty, and Mulatto by Langston Hughes. In each of these stories, the main character exhibits a peculiar personality trait, but each stems from a different experience. "The Yellow Wallpaper" is a story of a married woman, Jane, who suffers from a debilitating nervous condition. This story is based on a cure for the disease, called the "rest cure." Dr. S. Weir Mitchell developed this treatment which required confining the patient to a hotel, hospital, or a residence that was isolated from much human contact, such as the one described in the story. The patient was to have complete bed rest, a drastic change in diet, and sometimes even electric shock therapy. Charlotte Perkins Gilman had experienced this treatment in her own life, so she had first-hand knowledge of what she was writing about in this story (Gilman 491). The setting of this story is a room in a house in which Jane lives for a summer with her husband John, who is a physician. The room is large, almost the size of the entire floor. She is on medication, "phosphates or phosphites-- whichever it is," for her condition, and she has been forbidden to work (Gilman 491). Unfortunately, she was also not allowed to write, which was a deprivation of the only outlet she had. Therefore, on most days, she spent her time in that room with nothing to do except look at the four walls. In the beginning of the story we can sense that maybe she is a little crazy. She describes the house as if it is a castle. Then she says that "there is something strange about the house-- I can feel it" (Gilman 492). Next, we learn of the intriguing yellow wallpaper. The wallpaper, at first, is her nemesis. She begs John to repaper the room; it scares her. "The paper looks to her as if it knew what a vicious influence it had" (Gilman 494). In her perception, the paper has eyes and exerts some sort of power over her.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Christianity and Hinduism Essay

I wanted to compare Hinduism to Christianity. I did not know anyone around here so I contacted a family member that lives in the Philippines. His wife’s family fallows Hinduism. I interviewed them over the Internet through video chat. That was very interesting. I had to have my family member translate to me somethings. But it was fun. I also have them write what they were answering to me. I e-mailed them the questions in advance so it would not be a shocker when I asked. I felt as if I was rude at times asking some of the questions. I kept apologizing and all they kept laughing at me. The interview was with Byra and Hansa Bose. Translation was Sandra and Justin Usry. Hinduism is generally regarded as the world’s oldest organized religion and the world’s third largest religion. Christianity is the largest religion in the world. Hinduism consists of thousands of different religious groups that have evolved in India since 1500 BC. Most forms of Hinduism are henotheistic religions. They recognize a single deity and view other Gods and Goddesses as manifestations or aspects of the supreme God. Hinduism has about nine hundred and fifty million followers that is about fourteen percent of the world’s population. It is the dominant religion in India, Nepal, and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Christianity was founded in the early 1st century AD. Christianity has around two billion followers. That is around thirty three percent of the world’s population. Hinduism is a constantly changing religion. It was not founded by a person or prophet. Hinduism is characterized by its beliefs in reincarnation. Hindus believe in one Supreme Being but in many Lords. There are said to be three hundred and thirty-three million Lords. The lords are perceived as divine creations of that one being. Hinduism views compose of three worlds, the physical universe, subtle astral, and the spiritual universe. Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ. To be a Christian you have to believe only in Jesus and acknowledge him as your only savior. The Bible is the main source of the principles and values of Christianity. The Veda is the Hindu holy book. The Veda consist of four books; Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva. The books include over 100,000 verses.  The knowledge imparted by the Vedas ranges from earthy devotion to high philosophy. Christianity is an organized missionary religion. The Christian Church is divided into three major groups, the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Churches and the Orthodox Churches. Hinduism does not have a centrally controlling organization it has some ancient scriptures to guide it. That is a joke. Christianity believes that God created the world out of nothing. Hindus say that is not true. Nothing can come out of nothing. That everything has to exist from something. So Hindus think God created the world out of himself using the elements and qualities of his energy. Christians believes that God and men are different. God created man in His own image. The world and men exist separately from God. Hindus believe the whole universe is enveloped and inhabited by God. Hindus believes that the universe was created billions of years ago through a gradual process of materialization brought out by Prakriti and that the earth is just one world in a series of thousands of worlds. Christiani ty believes that the world was created a few thousand years ago over a period of seven days. That the earth is the center of the universe. Hindus do not believe in conversion of people. A person becomes a Hindu either by birth or through conscious that is by choice. Christians accepts conversion as a way of saving them from certain damnations. It is the responsibility and sacred duty of every Christian to save everyone who are not Christians by bringing them to Jesus. Hindus do not believe that you go to heaven or hell like Christianity rather they believe in the concept of Karma. Hinduism men are judged by their own karma. If you do badly in one life you have many more to work the bad karma off. The only way to get out of the cycle of life and death is to achieve true enlightenment. When a person achieves enlightenment he or she doesn’t go to heaven or hell, he or she is beyond heaven or hell. He or she would have become part of the entire universe. When enlightenment is reached they become part of God. Hindus believe that the death of a human being only extinguishes the bodily form of existences as the soul reincarnates in  another life form. They believe that a human being has it within his ability to attain Moksha, the final extrication of the soul, by applying the principles suggested by the scriptures. Christianity believes a person commits sin against God by bracken the ten commandments. If someone leads a life of sin without acknowledging God and without believing in Jesus, he will become a victim of the Devil and fall into temptation. If he is a true believer, God will save him and grant him an eternal life in heaven. It is the conduct of a person on earth that determines the person’s fate. A sinner can seek forgiveness of God and Jesus through repentance and submission and he will be forgiven according to the strength of his belief. On the Judgment Day all souls are resurrected and judged by God according to their actions on earth. Both Hinduism and Christianity believe in the eventual destruction of the world. However Hinduism does not believe in the permanent destruction of the world but in the repetitive nature of creation. There will be repetitive cycles of creation followed by destruction. In Christianity after that happens they reside either in the heaven or in hell eternally. Hindus worship a lot. They commonly worship shrines in three different environments, in temples, in the home, and in outdoor public spaces. Hindus believe that if proper care is not taken of a temple’s images, the deity will abandon the temple. Hence priests reside at the temple and take care of the gods’ needs. Priests perform puja at sunrise, noon, sunset, and midnight. For a layperson, however, visiting a temple every day or even regularly is not mandatory, and many devout Hindus worship at home. The essential aspect of puja is not congregational worship but an individual’s offering to a deity. Worship in the home usually takes place daily. Christians will worship anywhere. However when they come together to worship they will usually come together in a church. Prayers are usually done before a meal and before bed. It can be done at any time whenever a Christian fills the need to pray. Some holidays that Hindus celebrate are Shivarathri â€Å"The Night of Shiva† a festival celebrated in honor of Lord Shiva, Holi, Raksha Bandhan which is celebrated on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Sravan (August-September). It is one of the important Hindu festivals. Hindus who  wear a new holy thread offer their respects to the ancient Rishis by offering them water on this day. Telugu New Year’s is celebrated on the first day of the month of Chaitra (March-April).This is a happy day and is celebrated with great enthusiasm. This is New Year’s Day for the people of Andhra Pradesh and also the Telugu people all over the world. Navarathri is celebrated twice in a year, once it is celebrated in the month of Chaitra and then again in Aswayuja. It lasts for nine days in honor of the nine forms of goddess Durga. During Navaratri devotees of her observe a fast. Brahmins are given food and prayers are offered as it is believed that this provides protection of health and property. Ganesh Chaturthi is most popular of all Hindu festivals. It is the birthday of Lord Ganesha. It is the most sacred day for Lord Ganesha. It falls on the 4th day of fortnight called Bhadrapada. It is observed throughout India as well as by devoted Hindus in all parts of the world. Krishna Janmashtami is the birthday of Lord Krishna, who is the eighth Divine Incarnation. It is believed that Lord Krishna was born at midnight. Many people go on a twenty-four hour fast on this day, which is broken at midnight. Ramnavmi is the last one. Christianity has a lot of holidays too but the really important ones are Christmas Eve which is the day before Jesus Christ was born. Christmas Day is the day Jesus Christ was born. There is Ash Wednesday which derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents. Doing this is a sign of mourning and repentance to God. When God was walking to be crucified there was a village that laid palm tree leaves down for him to walk on. When he left they burned them and that is where the ashes come from. It also starts Lent. During Lent, many of the faithful commit to fasting or giving up certain types of luxuries as a form of penitence. Good Friday, the passion or and death on the cross of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Easter is the day Jesus resurrected. Now let’s talk about food. Christians have no limitations to what they eat, but the Hindus do. They cannot eat onions or garlic. Onions and garlic cloud the mind with passion. I think that is funny. Also onions and garlic gives the breath an odor which offends Lord Krishna. Mushrooms cannot be eaten because they grow in dung and an unclean ground. Anything from a cow is forbidden. Cows are sacred. They are known as â€Å"the mother†. So they cannot  eat cheese, milk, butter, or any of the cow’s or cow’s meat. They also cannot eat pigs. Pigs are forbidden also. Vegetarianism is very common in the Hindu religion. About thirty percent of Hindus are Vegetarians. In conclusion I had a lot of fun learning about both these religions. I learned that Hindus have a lot of gods and pray a lot. I don’t think I could pray that much. Christianity only has one god that is thought to be three other things. I had a little trouble understanding that one. They both are very complex. They have many other religions that branch from them.

Premature Specialization in Medicine

A medical exam checkup specify in straight offs man is educated and develop in a traditional mood that seeks to insure the ingenuous being of his or her patients. Practicing medicine requires a strong learning background and rigorous training it is in the interest of clients and medical boards across the world to assure this. Thus, education in the wisdom field is extremely important, even at the undergraduate train. Being a doctor is not just a job, nor is it just a c atomic number 18er. The medical profession is change with risk, for both the patient as salutary as the doctor. Doctors need early specialism in their education in graze to acquire the skills infallible to handle exquisite situations that occur on a free-and-easy basis.Malradiation diagram must come to an end. The education that a doctor receives is a tool that he or she go out use his or her whole life, (unlike a person who majored in something contrary to what their field of work is). A doctors examine is a vital instrument. Medical skill is a demand for certain practicing procedures and should be crawfishn seriously. Knowing the legal system requires a doctor to have a good amount of experience discharge reliever the concerns of family and loved mavens, and also gives confidence to a doctor that he or she target do his or her work correctly.In order for doctors to get the best experience and education needed, training must take place early on in education. An abundance of cognizance courses in college is a good start to prepare for medical school. Even though medical schools index cover the material that is offered in undergraduate biology and chemistry courses, repeat mental picture to the material can only be beneficial to the bookman. The more experience that a student has in erudition and think subjects ultimately helps the future doctor in the long run.To ensure the level of due date of a doctor, it is necessary to educate them on a broad level. According to Thomas,English, History, the literary works of at to the lowest degree deuce contrary dustups, and philosophy should come near the baksheesh of the list, just below Classics, as elemental requirements, and applicants for medical school should be told that their grades in these courses will more than some(prenominal)thing. (Thomas 115)Educating premed students in these courses is important, still science is the most significant break up in an undergraduate program. It requires thought and practice as well as research, which are all fundamental keys to being a doctor. If a MD were certified with the least amount of experience allowed in the science field as possible, malpractice could be expected. On the other hand knowing two foreign languages is not vital to ones life. In fact, if a patient speaks another language translators can be brought in to equalise certain needs.Doctors that focus on science and health are achieving what the profession requires. brain science t o its full capacity ought to be the goal for premeds and medical students. To ensure the well fare of a patient, over action of science courses is necessary. Looking at the medical educational setup that is present in todays Universities, premed students work concentrated at science and put forwards the effort to nominate these classes their number one priority.According to Thomas, If there are any courses in the humanities that can be taken with pop out risk to class standing(a) they will line up for these, besides they will not get in to anything tough except for science. (Thomas 114) Comprehending science can be hard and exhilarating, students should space out these courses while maintaining a level of sympathy of other fields, but it is serious to make focus on science. Any student in the undergraduate level maintaining a good grade point bonnie while taking 300, and 400 level science classes is bound for success.The risk instrument for a doctor practicing medicine that has thoroughly been educated and has completed all necessary science classes, whether it be premature strong point or courses in medical school, will ultimately be a good doctor and will create a more secure atmosphere in the field.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Driving Consumer Needs: Evaluating the Wal-Mart Effect by Charles Fishman Essay

IntroductionWal-mart has transform the corporate and consumer culture in the States and the rest of the human being- by foc development on its corporate mission of Very unkept Prices, Always, Wal-mart placed itself as a localisation in the e reallyday lives of millions of people. Fishman (2006) in his oblige The Wal-Mart result directs us exactly how Wal-Mart figures in ein truthday corporate and consumer lives making it the biggest and intimately influential company in the initiation today.This paper evaluates the strengths and impuissancees of the obligate using a sociological perspective loticularly on how the author characterizes the carry on of Wal-Mart in our coeval association. Signifi backtly, Fishman had masteryfully presented us with the positive and contradict jar of Wal-Mart both on the descent and consumer front. Moreover, to a considerable extent, Fishman was able to show how the interplay of parliamentary laws many forces enkindle yield both positive and prejudicious effects.The Wal-Mart EffectFishman (2006) characterized the economical power of Wal-Mart it is large than ExxonMobil, General Motors and General Electric and rakes approximately US$244.5 bullion sales in 2005 and it outcasts the competition by exchange in three months what the number two retail merchant Home Depot sells in cardinal course of instruction.Rich with anecdotes and stories, the primary thesis of Fishmans The Wal-Mart Effect is that there is a value that needs to be paid in company to have the speciousest possible termss in everyday Wal-Mart stores- and this price importantly affects the greater part of the American as puff up as the global society in that Wal-Mart pushes its suppliers and employees to take the negative side of providing its customers with the last-place prices.The fundamental strength of the book is the major power of Fishman to dissect the core strategy of Wal-Mart in lieu with the consumers demands. Wal-Mart is interco mmunicate by Fishman as merely an instrument in alimentation the need of consumers for very lower-ranking prices- or paying for something with al nigh nonhing. Even consumers who rejects the cheap prices at Wal-Mart is shown by Fishman to spend at least US$450 a year at Wal-Mart- a proving testimony that consumers atomic number 18 willing to sacrifice the type of products in order to get the cheapest prices.Furthermore, Fishman triple-crownly showed how Wal-Mart fosters a occupation relationship with its suppliers and its competing companies- suppliers and other companies be powerless in lieu with the indomit office of Wal-Mart in the retail sector. Almost altogether companies sells at Wal-Mart- being the number oneness retail store in the country, companies cannot make not to sell at Wal-Mart. Fishman contends that in spite of the negative impact of Wal-Mart on the suppliers end, they charter to sell at Wal-Mart because not selling at Wal-Mart would mean losing their biggest clientele.Interestingly, Fishman get outs the readers with an entertaining exercise through the illustration of examples. For instance, Fishman showed that while Wal-Mart is a very powerful player in the retail industry, not every last(predicate) suppliers and companies are scrambling for Wal-mart to sell their products. Fishman (2006) illustrated the case of Snapper, the maker of bore and durable lawn mowers where the CEO had refused to sell at Wal-Mart because of the incompatibility of their corporate values with that of the company.merchandising prices at almost the same level of the production cost would mean sacrificing the woodland of the products- not to mention the salary cuts and the ends to which suppliers would go through just to meet the price that Wal-Mart dictates for their products.Thus, this leads to the fourth argument of Fishman- the cost of low prices for Wal-Mart consumers is manifested in the very low remuneration of its employees, capricious its suppliers to lower their employees w boards themselves and prompt others to make production in sweatshops exploiting children and workers in third orbit countries, and in driving the mania of consumers for low-priced just now products bare(a) of the product quality that corporations have initially offered.While Fishmans The Wal-Mart Effect is fundamentally driven by the popularity of Wal-Mart, its primary weakness lies in its inability to provide a deeper evaluation of the long-term impact of The Wal-Mart Effect on the consumers. For one, the benefits of Wal-Mart to the consumers is not long-term in nature, Fishman however, did not explore this topic. Moreover, Fishman neither provided a business and sociological framework that shows how Wal-Mart is comprehend in the greater part of the society and how Wal-Mart perceives its consumers.Wal-Mart has been a subject of many commentaries and triumph stories in the business world. For consumers, Wal-Mart is like a haven and similar ly, the literature has also projected Wal-Mart on all the positive qualities that can be chargen to a company. Fishman (2006) in his book provided us with the good and the mischievous effects of Wal-Mart- whether it is more positive or negative the author does not give voice but argues that the impact of Wal-Mart on world markets is very vast. The impact is such that an American eating a Salmon from Wal-Mart significantly affects the miserliness of Chile.What Fishman (2006) shows is not just the business side of Wal-Mart but its larger impact on the American and world society in general. For one, Wal-Mart significantly dictates the economies of most countries because of their ability to dictate the supplier of their products. Hence, Wal-Marts design for low prices is not a elemental mathematical formulation- it involves the interplay of the societys political, economic and sociological actors.According to Fishman, in their declare oneself to get the lowest prices, consumers a re despicable both in terms of quality and in forcing suppliers and their workers to cut down on operational and production costs. On the other hand, political institutions are being pressured by Wal-Mart to submit to their demands because of the possible change in a countrys economy once Wal-Mart decides to do business with them.Fishmans audience spans all individuals regardless of gender, age or socio-economic status. This is because Wal-Mart spans all sociological barriers as well- businesses, suppliers, workers, housewives, even the young adults and adolescents are all familiar with Wal-Mart as a part of their everyday lives. Fishmans The Wal-Mart Effect is indeed more than just an careing book it presents an open-minded presentation and analysis of Wal-Mart and its impact on the greater society.By illustrating examples, Fishmas the Wal-Mart Effect succeeded and how it had benefited the common American in providing low prices and at the same time, illustrated the cases of Wal -Marts suppliers and how Wal-Mart has twisted their corporate values in order to adhere to their own.Using aboveboard illustrations, Fishman was able to tell us that Wal-Mart gives what the consumers charter for- cheaply priced products. However, he also showed the cost of these low prices- sweatshops, measly wages for its employees, ever-changing corporate terminals and driving consumers to demand for cheaper products. feeding this type of consumer system is the goal of Wal-Mart and it is the very reason why consumers are recognise the company.While Fishman is a journalist, he offered his viewpoints using investigative journalism means and with scholarly ethics not to go overboard. The goal of Fishman is not to show the myth surround Wal-Mart but rather to offer an exchange view on how the company operates and how it achieves its goals. Notably, Fishman was successful in providing a book that covers not just a description but rather a deeper understanding of how Wal-Mart kit and caboodle and how it affects every individual and the society.Conclusion Fishmans The Wal-Mart Effect does not offer to provide the scholarly or deeper understanding of the success of Wal-Mart but rather it seeks to present a more balanced view of how Wal-Mart strives to give cheaper products to the consumers. Using an easy-read tone of writing, Fishman captures the imagination and the interest of its readers and takes them into a journey of the different facets and strands of the company. Fishman succeeds in providing the details that readers need in order to form their own conclusion. While most part of the text is judgment-free, one is left hand asking how the biggest company in the world has achieved that much power to change the very society that created it.ReferenceFishman, C. (2006) The Wal-Mart Effect How the macrocosms Most Powerful smart set Really Worksand How Its Transforming the American Economy. The Penguin Press 294 pages.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic science has existed for a lengthy time and many today many of the processes continue to be used.Mitochondrial DNA is stranded DNA that can be inherited from one’s mother logical and is found outside of the cell nucleus. 3. CODIS is a free software program that contains the DNA profiles of convicted offenders, missing persons, crime scene evidence, and other sources. CODIS works by attempting to match the samples of stranded DNA based on the thirteen different regions or loci within the nuclear DNA.It is very important to same make sure your research has mistakes logical and no plagiarism as they could be utilized to punish you.Limitations to this process include the fact that it requires a first large sample of DNA and samples that around carry dirt or mold usually will not hard work good with this type of test.1. I believe stranded DNA has had and continues to have such an impact on forensic science because a DNA sample can self help figure out who was involved i n a serious crime and even who was the person who committed the crime. 2.

Your study will have a flow.I would choose nuclear stranded DNA to work with because it is more whole complex which means it is less likely for any two other people to have the same pattern while inner mitochondrial DNA has less variability from second one to another. 4. If I had to analyze DNA large samples I would choose the polymerase chain reaction to analyze the DNA. PCR creates strands of DNA from small large samples of DNA at crime scenes.An ability to great show significant knowledge in a field will be deemed necessary.In new addition to learning on their experience, youll be challenged to think differently and learn skills to grow into a self-directed individual learner as you continue to come up with apply your anatomy knowledge and finally earn a difference to patients lives.

Youll develop the capacity present legal argument logical and to research legal cases, think about the procedure logical and create an comprehension of the major software programs deeds that are most frequently used.Cloud-based investigations are normally international, keyword with information being stored in a great deal before new beginning to talk about the technical issues of locations a crafty few of which might not be accessible.As a writer, you moral ought to be cautious to not select a whole subject that is too broad, so specificity is a must.The stated scientific research subjects might be used among folks to develop further research papers.

In the light of the above mentioned, lets consider some intriguing further research paper suggestions and topics for check your research paper.Some questions ought to be day running through your head by now.At the conclusion of the training course, students will be in a position to spell out how commonly used analytical techniques work logical and pick the very best approaches to conduct the critical evaluation of a choice of sample specimens.Students will have to submit acid composition assignments.